Weekly devotion: Pray for the olive harvest in Palestine
West Bank
Embrace’s Church Engagement Manager, Rowena, picking olives in the West Bank (October 2022).
This week we’re praying for the olive harvest in Palestine. Sadly, the conflict in the Middle East means that once again we have been unable to take Embrace staff and volunteers to the West Bank for our annual olive picking trip. Please do pray with us for an end to the violence and that peace would prevail.
Olive trees have been a major source of income for Palestinians for centuries, with the trees covering 50% of agricultural land. The olive and olive oil industry supports the livelihoods of around 100,000 Palestinian families.
Yet despite olive trees being important economically and symbolically, thousands have been uprooted or burnt by Israeli settlers seeking to claim Palestinian land as their own.
As we remember the many Palestinian farmers harvesting their precious olives this autumn, please join us in praying for their protection - and for peace and justice to prevail in the Holy Land.
Bible reading
‘Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.’
Psalm 1: 1-3
All too often, the easy option is to do what everyone else is doing – to fall into line with those around us, failing to question prevalent thought and behaviour patterns. It takes courage to stand for righteousness and justice – but as the words in this psalm remind us, we can discern what is right and just when we intentionally lay aside time to meditate on God’s Word. Only a knowledge of what is right can enable us to make a stand against injustice.
Ask yourself: What fruit are you producing in your life? What areas can you see for growth?
Father God,
We pray for the day when justice and peace will flow like rivers through Israel and Palestine. We praise you for the resurrection hope that we have in Jesus. We acknowledge the scars of violence on Jesus’ body and yet we remember that scar tissue is also a sign of healing. With this image in mind, we pray for healing and hope in the land. We commit each and every one of our partners to you who, in following Christ, make transformation and peace possible.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sponsor an olive tree today!
Buy an olive tree for just £15. Your tree will be planted in Palestine, replacing trees destroyed in the conflict and helping Palestinian famers hold onto their land and their livelihood.
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