Weekly devotion: ‘Do not forget to do good’

Episcocare, Egypt

Two young boys play in the streets of El Ras El Soda, Alexandria.

Children living in informal settlements in Egypt’s cities face many barriers to education, including large class sizes, poor teaching standards and family pressure to leave school after primary education in order to engage in paid work. More than two-thirds of children in Egypt aged 4-5 do not enjoy their right to early education. Indeed, in 2019, Egypt ranked 99th out of 141 countries in terms of quality of primary education.

Embrace’s partner, Episcocare (an Egyptian NGO working under the Anglican Diocese of Egypt), is responding to these challenges through its mentoring programme. It trains young people as mentors to encourage primary-age children, helping them to gain confidence and giving them the tools and desire to stay in school. The young mentors benefit too, as they develop leadership and coaching skills that will be useful in employment.

Bible reading

‘Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.’

Hebrews 13: 15-16


We were never meant to do life alone. We need the love and care of other people, in the same way that other people need us. The biblical pattern of mentoring – of giving others a helping hand and of seeking to be a blessing to those around us – shines through in the work that Episcocare is doing with children and teenagers in Egypt.

Ask yourself: Remembering to ‘do good and share with others’ is not an option, it is a command. Can you think of any practical ways you can put this command into action?


Father God,

We remember that you alone are truly good. We thank you that you shared your Son, Jesus Christ, with us – and we praise you that there is salvation in his name.

We pray for the work that Episcocare does with children and young people in marginalised communities in Egypt. May the mentors inspire and help their mentees. May more children stay in school and reap the benefits of education as a result of this project.

Help us as we think through what it means to ‘do good and share with others’ in our own lives. Open our eyes to the needs around us, and enable us to be your hands and feet in a broken world.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Learn more about Egypt

Head over to our blog to find out more about the current challenges in Egypt and learn about the projects we are supporting through our incredible partners.

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