Embrace’s Christian partners face many challenges working in situations of conflict, injustice and poverty. We ask you to join us in praying for the health and resilience of all our partners and their communities. You can download our prayer diary and find more prayer resources in our Prayer Room.
Weekly devotion: Empowering women in rural Egypt
This week we’re praying for the Soteria project in Egypt. Soteria is a Greek word, meaning salvation, safety or deliverance. The project works with young women from Qussia, an area in Egypt’s rural south.
Weekly devotion: Pray for trainee nurses in Egypt
This week we’re learning more about an incredible project Embrace supports in Egypt that is improving patient care across the Nile Delta region. We’re also reflecting on some scriptures in Hebrews that remind us of God’s goodness and generosity.
Weekly devotion: Medical care for refugees in Egypt
This week we’re learning about the amazing medical work our partner, Refuge Egypt, does among some of the most marginalised people in Egypt’s society. We’re also meditating on some words from Psalm 56.
Weekly devotion: Open the eyes of our hearts
This week we’re reflecting on what happens when we live with our spiritual eyes wide open. We’re also giving thanks for an incredible project that supports visually impaired children in economically marginalised areas of Egypt.
Weekly devotion: ‘Do not forget to do good’
This week, we’re praying for a project in Egypt that trains young people to mentor primary-age children, to encourage them to stay in school. We’re also reflecting on the biblical mandate to help others, and challenging ourselves to be a blessing to those around us.
Weekly devotion: How does your social network reflect your priorities?
This week we’re praying for the children and their families at Fairhaven School in Alexandria, Egypt - and meditating on Jesus’ grace-filled interactions with people who were socially stigmatised.
Weekly devotion: Bringing others to God
Discover how our partner is responding to deep spiritual thirst in a marginalised community in Cairo - and ask how you can point others to Jesus in your own context.
Weekly devotion: Challenging our preconceptions about God on International Women’s Day
This week, we’re praying for the Life School project in Egypt - and reflecting on Jesus’ treatment of women, and how this can encourage us today.
Weekly devotion: What does it mean to take refuge in God?
This week we’re praying for our partner, Al-Kafaat, in Lebanon. Their rehabilitation centres provide free-of-charge special services to some of the most vulnerable people living with disabilities.
Weekly devotion: What motivates you to serve others?
This week we’re praying for our partner, Refuge Egypt, a Cairo-based organisation that serves refugees, asylum seekers and migrants living in Egypt.
Weekly devotion: Reflecting on God’s love
This week we’re praying for our partner, Think and Do, in Egypt. Among the many things it does, it runs a shelter and recovery programme for female survivors of domestic abuse, based in Cairo.
Weekly devotion: Loving others without limits
This week, we’re learning about the work of an Embrace partner among children with autism in Egypt. We’re also reflecting on what Christian love looks like.