Embrace’s Christian partners face many challenges working in situations of conflict, injustice and poverty. We ask you to join us in praying for the health and resilience of all our partners and their communities. You can download our prayer diary and find more prayer resources in our Prayer Room.

Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Caring for creation in Iraq

This week we’re meditating on Psalm 19, a beautiful psalm that reminds us of God’s greatness and the importance of caring for creation. We’re also learning about an environmental project that we’re supporting in Iraqi Kurdistan.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Pray for infant and maternal healthcare in Gaza

Even before 7 October 2023 and the subsequent 15-month Israeli bombardment of Gaza, healthcare in the Gaza Strip was under extreme pressure due to the Israeli blockade. This week, join us in praying for our partner the DSPR-NECC as they provide vital healthcare services for women and children.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Empowering women in rural Egypt

This week we’re praying for the Soteria project in Egypt. Soteria is a Greek word, meaning salvation, safety or deliverance. The project works with young women from Qussia, an area in Egypt’s rural south.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: What makes a good leader?

This week we’re inspired by a project the Palestinian Bible Society is running to train up a new generation of leaders in the church and the wider community. We’re also reflecting on the qualities that make a good leader.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Pray for trainee nurses in Egypt

This week we’re learning more about an incredible project Embrace supports in Egypt that is improving patient care across the Nile Delta region. We’re also reflecting on some scriptures in Hebrews that remind us of God’s goodness and generosity.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Medical care for refugees in Egypt

This week we’re learning about the amazing medical work our partner, Refuge Egypt, does among some of the most marginalised people in Egypt’s society. We’re also meditating on some words from Psalm 56.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Reflecting Christ’s compassion

This week we’re praying for mental health services that our partner, the Karagheusian Health Centre, provide for people in a marginalised neighbourhood in Beirut. We’re also reflecting on how we can imitate the compassion that Christ showed to people in need.

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Editor Eme Editor Eme

A Prayer for Syria

Please join us in praying for the people of Syria at a time of uncertainty and transition.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: What makes a good listener?

This week we’re praying for a project that takes a grassroots approach towards achieving peace and justice in Israel and Palestine. We’re also reflecting on the importance of sharing our stories and actively listening to other people.

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Katie Lewis Katie Lewis

Weekly devotion: Choosing hope in hopeless situations

The education system in Lebanon is in its sixth year of disruption, affecting 1.5 million children. Join us in praying for our partner, the Joint Christian Committee, as they seek to provide marginalised and displaced children with educational and psychosocial support.

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