Rebuilding Christian-run businesses in Iraq
Dunia lives in the large Christian town of Alqosh in northern Iraq. Due to the Islamic State conflict and ensuing economic crisis, her small jewellery business collapsed.
Back in 2019, she began to make ‘kuba’, a local delicacy (cooked meat in dough). An Embrace-funded loan of $2,800 enabled her to rent premises, purchase machinery and employ local women to expand her fledgling business. For many of these women, this is a vital income stream, allowing them to pay for their children’s school fees and put money aside for health costs.
Today, Dunia’s baking business is going from strength to strength. She delivers to the nearby cities of Mosul and Dohuk, she is saving hard to purchase her own premises – and she has a vision to employ more Christian women and grow her range of delicious savoury delicacies.
Embrace partner CAPNI is helping to rebuild the community in Alqosh as Christians start to return. They are providing business loans to returnees, allowing them to establish new, or restart old, enterprises.
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