Prayers for peace in the Middle East

Sometimes it is difficult to know how to pray in times of crisis, so we have put together a prayer to help guide your intercessions. Please join us in praying for a full ceasefire and for a just peace to prevail.

Scroll down for more resources that might help you in your prayers, along with further prayers from ourselves and our partners. Please add you own prayers too - you can do so using the comments section. You can find the latest news from our partners in Lebanon, Gaza, the West Bank and Israel here.



Loving God,

We pray for peace to hold in Lebanon as the initial 60-day ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah comes to an end.

We pray for all of those who are grieving loved ones and who have lost homes and possessions. Be with those who are suffering and those who have been wounded.

Give our partners strength as they continue to help those in desperate need.

And we pray for all negotiators and political leaders involved in crucial decision making: may you lead them in the paths of peace.

In the name of the Prince of Peace, Amen.



We give thanks that a ceasefire deal has been agreed between Israel and Hamas and we pray that it will be the first step on the road to peace:

Loving God,

We are immensely relieved that an end to 15 months of violence is in sight. We pray that the agreement between Israel and Hamas will hold and that all parties will remain true to the terms.

Be close to all who have lost loved ones, homes and possessions. Those who are wounded and living in fear of tomorrow. And those being held captive.

May you strengthen our partners as they continue to serve those in dire need and work to rebuild shattered lives and communities.

And we pray that this is the first step on the road that will lead to a permanent end to the violence and to a just and lasting peace.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



As hopes of a ceasefire deal increase, please join us in praying for the negotiators and political leaders, and for a successful outcome:

Loving God,

We pray for an end to the war and bloodshed in Gaza.

We pray for the success of the current ceasefire talks: that both sides will agree to lay down their weapons and pursue long-lasting peace.

We pray for the release of the hostages, and the safe and swift delivery of aid to those who are desperate for it.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.




On the one-year anniversary of the of appalling attacks in Israel and the start of the devastating war in Gaza, we cry out to God:

Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. Lord hear my voice! (Psalm 130:1) 

Compassionate and loving God, we stand with those who cry in anguish in Israel, Palestine and Lebanon. With those who have lost their lives to violence, those who mourn, those who have been displaced, those who are held unjustly against their will, those who have lost their homes and livelihoods. We stand with the traumatized, the injured, the children, the elderly and the frail. 

Lord, move our hearts 

Give us eyes to see as you see. 

If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities, Lord, who could stand? (Psalm 130:3) 

We come to you in sorrow for the violence and hatred that we are each capable of carrying in our hearts. Forgive our inability to see your image in others. 

Lord, move our hearts 

Give us eyes to see as you see. 

Have mercy on us, O Lord have mercy upon us for we have had more than enough of contempt. (Psalm 123:3) 

We pray for an end to the fighting and violence. We pray for those who are without shelter, clean water, food, electricity, medical care and safety. God of justice and peace, may the world’s leaders have the imagination to envision a future of creativity and human flourishing, rather than destruction and death. 

Lord, move our hearts 

Give us eyes to see as you see. 

I am for peace; but when I speak, they are for war. (Psalm120:7) 

We pray for the courage to speak up for peace, to challenge the hatred in our own hearts and minds, and to do all that we can to make for the peace that builds our common life as the nations of your world. 

Lord, move our hearts 

Give us eyes to see as you see. 


We have also released a new Vigil for the Middle East prayer resource to mourn one year of violence.



Loving God,

In the midst of this escalation of war and violence in the Middle East, we turn our eyes to you.

We mourn and weep with those whose lives have been affected. We pray for an end to this cycle of violence and ask you to bring peace and healing. We pray that you would comfort those who mourn and be close to the broken-hearted.

We pray for our partners across the Middle East. We thank you for their work and witness. We pray that you would comfort them and that your presence would be their strength as they continue to serve those in need. We pray for your protection for them.

We pray for the political and religious leaders who have influence over this situation. Would you give them the courage and boldness needed to pursue peace and justice. We pray that they would see the value of every human life and they would work to protect it. We pray that those who have led us down this path of war would repent and turn from their ways.

In these dark days we pray for your light to shine.

In the name of the Prince of Peace, your son, Jesus Christ.





Since the war began, many of Gaza's already small Christian community have fled, forced to leave their homeland in search of safety. We hold our Palestinian sisters and brothers up to the Lord in prayer:

God of peace and justice,

Our hearts break as we acknowledge the reality of violence, oppression and uncertainty for the people of Gaza, the West Bank and those who have been forced to flee. O Lord, we cry out to you; do not turn your face away.

We lift before you our Palestinian sisters and brothers, remembering that we are all part of the one household of God. May you surround them with your loving kindness and may they know your ever-present help.

We especially plead for the Christian community in Gaza – for those who remain and for those who have fled. Give peace and protection to those sheltering in the churches, and comfort and guide those who have become refugees in foreign lands.

We commit Embrace’s Christian partners to you as they continue to bring hope and healing to their communities. Grant them the strength they need to continue serving, and protect them as they give sacrificially to others.

In a world full of violence, hate and injustice, may you keep our hearts pure and fill us with imagination for the ways of peace. Help us to hold all those who call Palestine and Israel home in our hearts and give us courage and opportunities to speak up for justice and a future in which all peoples can thrive.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



We call out to the Lord our God in response to the unfolding situation in Rafah, which is directly affecting our partners and putting the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians at immediate risk:

Loving God, as we see the continuing devastation in Gaza, we look to you.  

We commit Embrace’s partners to you. Give them boldness, strength and courage as they continue to serve. We ask that you protect them as they give sacrificially to others.  

We pray for protection for those still in Rafah and those who are fleeing, particularly the children, the sick and the elderly.  

Please be close to those who are grieving, fearful and in danger.  

We pray for an immediate ceasefire.  

We pray for a release of all those who are still held hostage.  

We pray for a safe and swift delivery of aid to those who are desperate for it.  

Please give the world’s leaders the courage and imagination to work unceasingly for justice and peace. 

We ask all this in the name of the Prince of Peace, your Son and our Saviour, Jesus Christ. 




God of peace and compassion,

Our hearts break as we acknowledge 6 months of the war in Gaza. We mourn for all of those who have lost their lives. We cry out to you for those who have lost homes and loved ones, and for the hostages still living in fear.

How long, O Lord? We continue to plead with you for an end to the violence and for this war to cease. Be near to all of those who are suffering. May they know your protection and your ever-present help.

We pray for the civilians of Gaza, the vast majority of whom have been displaced and many who are facing starvation. In this hour of trouble, may you open the way for full and immediate humanitarian aid – food, water and medicine – to reach all in need.

We pray for our partners, who continue to faithfully serve and help those in need. May you surround them with your lovingkindness and help them to draw strength for each day from you.

We pray too for the protection of all being held hostage by Hamas and for their safe return home.

And we pray for those in positions of power, influence and leadership; may you guide them in the paths of peace.

In Jesus' name, Amen.



God of justice and compassion,

We cry out to you for the people of Gaza, particularly for the children. We pray for an unequivocal ceasefire and the resumption of aid and food deliveries.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for the unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas. We pray that those released may find healing and the restoration of hope in the months ahead.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We continue to pray for a safe and prosperous tomorrow for Palestinians and Israelis, a future of equal rights for all and an end to the occupation.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We lift Embrace’s partners and their staff before you. We ask that they remain safe and know your peace and protection.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for ourselves, that we may resist hatred, stand for justice, and open ourselves to be channels of your peace.

We ask all of this in Jesus’ name.





In partnership with Christian Aid, we’ve produce an order of service that can be used by churches wishing to hold a prayer vigil in response to the crisis in Israel/Palestine. Download the pdf using the button below.

This 10-minute video (below) can be used in a time of prayer. It includes quotes from our partners, Bible verses, music and pictures, along with 5 minutes of time for personal prayer.


A song of hope from our friends in Lebanon.

A message from the Palestinian Bible Society.

A message from Bishop Shomali.





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