Statement calling for the protection of people deprived of their liberty in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel

17th September 2024

Embrace is one of 31 NGOs to sign a statement calling on UN Member States to take urgent steps to protect people deprived of their liberty across the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.

Since October 7th there has been a dramatic increase in the number of Palestinians detained by the Israeli military. Prior to October 7th, approximately 5,000 Palestinians were in detention and since then over 10,000 people – including at least 650 children – have been detained in the West Bank alone. Those detained include 23-year-old Layan Nasir, a Palestinian Anglican from Birzeit who is being held at Damon prison under administrative detention since April. It is well-documented that Palestinian children detained by the Israeli military face systematic abuse and ill-treatment, driven in part by the impunity granted to the Government of Israel by the international community. Over the last 10 months, violence has increased, conditions have deteriorated, and access to lawyers and family members has been curtailed.

In Gaza, an estimated 115 Israeli and foreign nationals remain captive, including hostages who have been declared dead, having been seized by Palestinian armed groups during the October 7th attacks. Two child hostages remained in Gaza as of 25 June 2024. According to OHCHR, accounts from released hostages “describe violence and extremely harsh conditions of captivity” including beatings, sexual abuse, lack of food and water, and medical treatment without anaesthesia.

We are calling on UN Member States to ensure that the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is granted immediate and unfettered access to all detainees and hostages, to the full extent required by international humanitarian law. These visits are vital to protect the dignity and humanity of all those held in detention and ensuring that the treatment detainees receive  is "in line with internationally recognized laws and standards and the principles of humanity.”

As Embrace we continue to advocate for a just peace and the protection of the humanity of all those in Israel and Palestine.

Please read the full statement here.


1. Save the Children

2. Human Rights Watch

3. War Child

4. Christian Aid

5. Humanity & Inclusion/Handicap International (HI)

6. War on Want

7. Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights

8. World Organisation against Torture

9. Council for Arab-British Understanding

10. International Federation for Human Rights

11. Welfare Association

12. HelpAge International

13. SOS Children’s Villages UK

14. Plan International

15. Amos Trust

16. Oxfam

17. Age International

18. Physicians for Human Rights–Israel

19. Embrace the Middle East

20. KinderUSA

21. MedGlobal

22. Médecins du Monde International Network

23. Action for Humanity

24. The Rights Forum

25. Churches for Middle East Peace

26. La Coordinadora de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo- Spain

27. Pax for Peace

28. CARE International

29. Kifaia

30. Bond

31. Terre des Hommes Italia



Embrace Marks 170 Years of Partnership