The tiny Mediterranean country of Lebanon is just half of the size of Wales, and yet it hosts more than a million Syrian refugees – equivalent to 1 in 4 of the population – making it the country with the highest refugees per capita in the world.

On top of the refugee crisis, Lebanon’s economic problems have slowly been building for years. The failure of successive governments to address these with policy reforms came to a head in late 2019. Lebanon is one of the most indebted states in the world. Inflation and unemployment rates continue to soar and poverty amongst ordinary Lebanese is increasing.

Embrace has longstanding links with Christians in Lebanon, partnering with local Christian organisations. Our partners work with Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian refugees in the fields of primary healthcare, education, livelihoods support, humanitarian assistance and specialist disability services.


“I wanted to give deaf people like myself a chance to succeed”

“A City on a knife edge - 5 Days Visiting Beirut”

Smoke from airstrikes rising over Beirut

Lessons amid the sound of airstrikes

Distributing emergency supplies in Lebanon

“They are coming without anything”


Al Kafaat student in a wheelchair


In Arabic, Al-Kafaàt means ‘abilities’. Its mission is to empower those living with disabilities or disadvantages to contribute more actively within their society by offering them health, therapeutic and education programmes. Embrace supports Al-Kafaàt to provide rehabilitation, special education and sheltered employment workshops to children and adults with differing levels of physical and learning abilities.

Young girl doing school work at Beit El Nour


Beit el Nour means ‘house of light and hope’. Their two centres (in northern Beirut and Tripoli) support around 100 out-of-school boys and girls with English, Maths and Arabic tuition. Another 100 children attend after school to receive homework support. The centres also provides psychological support, crafts and games as well as support sessions for children and their families with the aim of preventing further school drop-outs, early marriages and child labour.

Children enjoying colouring activity at JCC community centre Lebanon


Part of the regional Department of Services for Palestinian Refugees the Joint Christian Committee for Social Service (JCC) provides a range of education, health and social services for under-served Palestinian and other refugees living in Lebanon. In the small Christian camp of Dbayeh, Embrace supports the JCC community centre. In the large Shatilla Palestinian refugee camp to the south of Beirut, Embrace supports JCC to provide education for out-of-school Palestinian and Syrian teenagers.

“When I was 3 I didn’t talk, I only screamed. I wasn’t potty trained … Now I understand what autism is and how it affects me, and I explain to others so they can understand me.”
— Al-Kafaàt student
Patient receiving treatment at the Karagheusian Medical Centre, Lebinan


The Karagheusian primary healthcare centre provides a wide range of medical, social and education services to Lebanese, Armenians and Syrian refugees living in the crowded Bourj Hammoud quarter of Beirut. Embrace’s support helps to cover the costs of urgently needed medicines, laboratory tests and hospital fees. In addition, Embrace provides support for counselling and therapeutic services to address the mental health and well-being needs of individuals impacted by the trauma of conflict and chronic stress as a result of the ongoing economic crisis.

To pupils at the Learning Centre for the Deaf.jpg


The centre provides early years intervention services and support for deaf children and their families, as well as supporting continuing education for deaf teenagers and young adults. The High School programme is the only one of its kind in Lebanon. Deaf Schools only provide vocational training for students aged 14+. The centre also advocates at a national and regional level for rights, inclusion and equal opportunities for deaf people.

Young girl receiving educational support through SKILD


Thimar, meaning ‘Fruits’ in Arabic, is the The Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development. They seeks to serve the church in Lebanon and the Arab World through spiritual, educational and social development. The Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences (SKILD) Centre at LSESD provides support to children with special educational needs. Middle East Revive & Thrive (MERATH) is the relief and development arm of LSESD, providing assistance to thousands of vulnerable and displaced families in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq.

“Because of your collaboration we are able to see healthy children and families in our society; thus, improving the health of the population in our area.”
— Karagheusian Health Centre worker
Two ladies at an MECC community event


The Middle East Council of Churches is a regional ecumenical organisation that brings together churches in the East. Embrace supports one of MECC’s community development programmes, which aims to empower vulnerable Lebanese and refugee women through the provision of language, vocational and life-skill training. Women receive tuition in a range of programmes; alongside vocational skills, the women learn budget management, communication and leadership techniques.

Mother and baby getting social support from PML


The Pontifical Mission for Lebanon is part of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA) and helps local churches and organisations in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq to deliver a range of health, education and employment services. Embrace currently supports a project that offers educational help to enable Palestinian refugee teenagers in Dbayeh refugee camp to complete their school education and pursue further opportunities.

Baby receiving treatment at Tahaddi Medical Centre, Lebanon


Tahaddi is a community-based organisation providing primary healthcare, education and social services to underserved communities in an informal settlement in Beirut. Embrace helps Tahaddi to provide urgently needed medical and social support to the most vulnerable members within their community – covering the cost of prescription medicines, emergency hospital treatment and essential diagnostic tests. Embrace also supports the Special Educational Needs Class at Tahaddi’s Education Centre.

Education class at Zvartnotz


Situated in the north-east of Beirut, Zvartnotz is a specialist centre dedicated to empowering vulnerable Lebanese Armenian and Syrian children and adults with profound and diverse disabilities. Zvartnotz offers individualized education and vocational programs, catering to the differing needs beneficiaries aged 4 to 55.

“The project helped me at several levels: I have now more confidence, I believe in myself, I am becoming a happy boy, we are trying to live as a family, my mum, my brother and I.”
— Rehabilitation programme beneficiary