Guest User Guest User

Memories of a different Syria

Long-standing Embrace friend, and volunteer, Jane (Lady) Green remembers what it was like living in Damascus in the early 1990s, when her husband Andrew (Lord) Green was Ambassador.

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Opinion Guest User Opinion Guest User

Why sanctions aren’t the answer in Syria

Embrace partner and friend Rev Dr Nadim Nassar, Director of the Awareness Foundation reflects on the urgent need for international action to save Syria, and the wider region, from humanitarian catastrophe and why sanctions only hurt the poor.

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Guest User Guest User

Hope in the midst of hopelessness

Today marks one year since the horrific port of Beirut explosion. Serop Ohanian, our friend and CEO of Embrace partner The Karagheusian Centre, reflects on how he and his team of healthcare workers find the motivation to carry on.

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Testimony Beth Amphlett Testimony Beth Amphlett

The making of Syria’s secret library

In our latest blog, BBC reporter and friend of Embrace Mike Thomson shares the amazing story of the secret library at Daraya, created while the city was under siege. It’s a remarkable example of human resilience and courage amid tragic loss and devastation.

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Insight Guest User Insight Guest User

Celebrating Al Hajj and Eid Al-Adha

This week, Muslims from across the Middle East (and elsewhere) will be participating in the Hajj – the annual pilgrimage to Makkah. They will also celebrate Eid Al-Adha or the ‘feast of the sacrifice’.

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