I wanted to give deaf people like myself a chance to succeed
Dr Hussein Ismail, the founder and director of Embrace’s partner the Learning Centre for the Deaf in Lebanon, tells us of the work of the centre, the impact of the recent war, and the importance of his Christian faith.
The Women Overcoming Gender-Based Violence in Syria
Meet Ayla and Samya. Ayla runs her own beauty salon, while Samya has started a hairdressing business from her home in Homs. Both businesses are still in their infancy but the fact they exist at all is a testament to the women’s bravery, resilience and hard work. Both Ayla and Samya are survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV)…
Lessons amid the sound of airstrikes: Keeping education services running in Lebanon
Our partner Tahaddi run an education centre in an informal settlement on the edge of Beirut. Since the start of the war, life for the children and the staff has been turned upside down. But despite the challenges, lessons are continuing…
A summer to remember for refugee children in Lebanon
From beekeeping and river swimming to science projects and crafts, our Lebanese partners tell us about the activities they have run this summer to help refugee children get away from the grim reality of their day-to-day life.
An education for everyone - Notre Dame inclusive school, Lebanon
The staff of Notre Dame inclusive school in Lebanon tell us about their school and why it is so special.
Lebanon’s Education Emergency
Many children in Lebanon are being deprived of vital schooling as crisis grips the education system: teachers have been out on strike; schools are unable to cover the cost of basic supplies and families can’t afford the transport to get their children to school.
Why I work as a Life Schools Tutor
Embrace supports the Life Schools project in Egypt, run by our partners Think & Do. Anat, a teacher at the project, tells us how she became involved and why the project is so important in helping women overcome disadvantages they face.
Witnessing Faith in Action
Embrace Trustee Katharine von Schubert writes of her recent trip to Embrace-supported projects in Egypt, of the strength of faith of the Christians she met and of witnessing the transformative work that they do.
Sometimes we don’t have enough food at home
As the economic situation in Lebanon continues to deteriorate, our partners are seeing more and more families struggling to put food on the table. Daniella Daou of LSESD describes her recent visit to one of their learning centres and the increasing hardships of the children she encountered there.