Embrace the Middle East

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Shelter & support for refugees in Egypt

At 14, Samir should have been enjoying hanging out with his friends or concentrating on his schoolwork. Instead, he was wandering the streets of Cairo, homeless and alone in a foreign country.  

Samir fled from his home in Darfur, in Sudan, where a brutal conflict has been raging since 2003. He lost his childhood to war, and then his family - whom he saw killed in front of him. Samir managed to escape and get himself to Egypt, but with no family, no home, and his education unfinished, he had little hope for the future.  

Samir is just one of thousands of refugees, many of them children, whose lives have been turned upside-down by conflict.  

Through our partner Refuge Egypt, we are helping people, like Samir, who’ve lost everything because of war. Our grants help to provide food, shelter, and clothing for those left with nothing; psychological counselling for those struggling to overcome their trauma; and training and employment to help them rebuild their lives.  

Through Refuge Egypt Samir found the shelter and help that he desperately needed. He is now safe, living in a shared home and with financial support so that he can restart his studies and build a future for himself.