Embrace the Middle East

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New CEO for Embrace

The Trustees of Embrace the Middle East are pleased to announce that Jamie Eyre, currently Director of Programmes, Partnerships & Advocacy, will succeed Tim Livesey as CEO in July.

John Mitchell, Chair of Trustees: “On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Tim for his inspirational leadership these past seven years. We will miss him tremendously, but I am delighted that Jamie Eyre, Embrace’s current Director of Programmes, Partnerships & Advocacy, will take over as Embrace’s CEO on Tim’s departure.  No-one knows or understands Embrace’s mission and commitment to partnership better than Jamie.”

Tim Livesey: “It has been an enormous privilege to serve as Embrace’s CEO for seven years. So much has happened in that time, both in the region and at home, including the Covid pandemic, and most recently the horrors of a deadly war in Gaza. That the charity continues to serve its Christian partners in the Middle East with such dedication and distinction is down to the courage, commitment and creativity of every member of Embrace’s staff, generously supported by so many donors and volunteers. A sincere thank you to them, to our inspirational partners, and to the Board for making these seven years so rewarding, and such an immense privilege. I could not be happier that Embrace will be led, from here on, by Jamie and a fantastic Leadership team.”

Jamie Eyre: “After more than 10 incredible years leading Embrace's work serving and supporting local partners across the Middle East, I'm delighted to be appointed as the new CEO. It is a tremendous privilege to follow in the footsteps of Tim and the many other faithful servants who've guided Embrace over the past 170 years. I thank the trustees for this amazing opportunity and excited as we embark on the next phase of our journey partnering with our inspiring brothers and sisters in the Middle East at this pivotal and challenging time.”