Embrace the Middle East

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A Statement in Response to the Al Ahli Hospital Tragedy

18 October 2023

The death and destruction caused by the explosion at Al Ahli hospital last night has shocked the world.  As a long-standing partner of Al Ahli we are deeply distressed at the loss of life. 

We echo the words of the Diocese of Jerusalem ‘Hospitals, by the tenets of international humanitarian law, are sanctuaries, yet this assault has transgressed those sacred boundaries.’

Please pray with us for the bereaved, and for those whose lives were lost. Many of the dead were seeking sanctuary.  Others were staying with their seriously ill relatives who could not be moved. And inevitably hospital staff will be among the hundreds killed.

There is no moral high ground to be claimed by anyone in this horrible conflict. 

Please pray with us that the killing will stop, that a ceasefire across the whole of the Gaza strip will be brokered, and that humanitarian aid will reach the hundreds of thousands of innocent women, children and men whose lives are in great danger.

Please pray with us for peace, reconciliation and justice for all in all of the land. 

And, if you can, please support our appeal for the help that will be desperately needed for a long time to come to heal, to rebuild, to reconcile, to begin again.

Thank you