APPEAL - Families who’ve lost everything in Lebanon are struggling to recover


The eyes of the world have been on the Middle East. And yet it doesn’t feel that way for the thousands of families across Lebanon who are struggling to make it through each day following months of conflict with Israel...

Our Lebanese partners are no strangers to adapting in a crisis. From the Beirut port explosion to the global pandemic, as well as political instability that undermines an already fragile economy; through it all, they have learned to adapt to ensure their life-changing support reaches those who need it most. The recent conflict compounded the suffering for ordinary Lebanese families, especially those displaced.


Please give what you can to support our partners as they continue to help families in Lebanon whose lives have been turned upside-down.

You can use the form below to donate online. If you would rather donate by phone, please call 01494 897950.


Khaled has a rare neurological disorder which causes progressive physical palsy and left Khaled with profound hearing loss. His parents were delighted to find support for Khaled’s speech and emotional development through Embrace’s partner, the Learning Centre for the Deaf (LCD).

With LCD’s expert care, Khaled made remarkable progress. But in September last year, when the war with Israel escalated dramatically, Khaled’s family home was destroyed by bombing. They lost everything and Khaled’s support was in jeopardy. But all this wouldn’t stop our friends at LCD.

They moved their early intervention programme online so Khaled - and all other children at LCD - could receive the support they needed. As soon as possible, they resumed the sessions in person. More than this, they provided practical care for Khaled’s family with financial aid, food parcels, and subsidised therapy sessions; as well as being there to comfort, welcome and advise.